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44 783 records
IIR document
Measurement of the frost point of air in sealed insulating glass.
Reactions in frozen foods: the reactions of myosin and single amino acids with some aldehydes.
Congélation des sols : étude physique et modèles mathématiques.
Freezing of soils: physical study and mathematical models.
Prediction of food quality during frozen food storage.
The finite element method in refrigeration engineering.
Long and short term storage of table grapes.
Regenerator research, development and applications in Australia - 1978 status.
Quelques effets produits par une congélation intense (-196°C) sur la structure fine de cellules végétales.
Effects produced by an intense freezing (-196°C) on the fine structure of vegetal cells.
Economic possibilities and limitations of heat pumps with electric drive.
Table grapes and refrigeration: fumigation with sulphur dioxide.
Protein changes in muscle foods due to freezing and frozen storage.
Nouveaux diffuseurs plastiques du SO2 pour la conservation frigorifique du raisin de table.
New plastic diffusers of S02 for refrigerated storage of table grapes.
Discomfort due to air velocities in spaces.
Heat exchangers - air conditioning - heat pumps. Proceedings of meetings (Commissions B1, B2, E1): Belgrade, Yugoslavia, November 16-18, 1977.
Freezing, frozen storage and freeze-drying of biological materials and foodstuffs. Proceedings of meetings (Commissions C1, C2): Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany, September 6-8, 1977.
Table grapes and refrigeration. Proceedings of meeting (Commission C2): Paris, France, October 12-14, 1977.
Container ships: reliability and automation of shipboard refrigerating systems. Proceedings of meeting (Commission D3): Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, September 20-21, 1977.
Thermal comfort requirements for floors
Cryoimmunology. Proceedings of meeting (Commission C1): Dijon, France, June 17-19, 1976.
Heat and mass transfer in porous structures. Proceedings of meeting (Commission B1): Washington D.C, USA, September 14-16, 1976.
Toward an ideal refrigerated food chain. Proceedings of meetings (Commissions C2, D1, D2, D3, E1): Melbourne, Australia, September 6-10, 1976.
Developments in cryogenic techniques in the 1-20 K range. [Proceedings of a joint DKV-IIR meeting of the] commissions I and A 1-2: Munich, Germany, October 1976.
Modern refrigeration and air conditioning.
Transport of perishable in vehicles and containers. [Proceedings of the meetings of the] commission D2: Wageningen, The Netherlands, April 22-26, 1974.
Current studies on the thermophysical properties of foodstuffs. [Proceedings of the meetings of the] commissions B1, C1, C2: Bressanone, Italy, September 17-20, 1974.