2023 Ice cream production and trade overview

Despite a slight decrease in production, Europe continues to lead global exports of ice cream in 2023. 

In 2023, the EU produced 3.2 billion litres of ice cream, marking a 1.4% decrease compared with 2022 (3.3 billion litres) [1]. Among the EU countries, Germany was the main producer of ice cream in 2023, producing 612 million litres, followed by France (568 million litres) and Italy (527 million litres). 

Following the EU, the United States produced about 2.7 billion  kg (1.30 billion gallons) of ice cream in 2023 [2]

Regarding global trade, Europe continued to dominate the global ice cream trade in 2023, both in exports and imports, according to data from the United Nations Comtrade database [3]. The top 10 ice cream exporters remained unchanged from 2022 (see our previous article). Germany is the largest exporter of ice cream, followed by France, Belgium and the Netherlands [3].  

The United States kept its position as 7th  top ice cream exporter.  

Among emerging economies, Türkiye’s volume of exports  declined from 23.8 million kg in 2022 to 21.5 million kg in 2023, taking the country from 11th to 14th place among the top 20 exporters. China slipped to 15th place, while Guatemala maintained its position as the 16th leading ice cream exporter. 


Top 20 ice cream exporters graph
Figure created by IIR using UN Comtrade data [1]



[1] Eurostat. (2024, August 7). https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/fr/web/products-eurostat-news/w/ddn-20240807-1

[2] IDFA - International Dairy Foods Association. (2024). Ice Cream Sales & Trends. https://www.idfa.org/ice-cream-sales-trends

[3] UN Comtrade Database. https://comtradeplus.un.org/TradeFlow