CO2-based car air conditioning more efficient?

The prototype of a car operating with a CO2-based air conditioning system is claimed to be operating more efficiently than current models running with R134a.
The prototype of a car operating with a CO2-based air conditioning system is claimed to be operating more efficiently than current models running with R134a.

According to the German environmental agency Umweltbundesamt (UBA), the energy consumption of a CO2 system during a normal European summer is lower than that of a similar car with an R134a system.

Since 2009, as part of a research project of the German Federal Environment Ministry, UBA tested a car, which is equipped with a CO2 air conditioning system.

After 165,000 km, the energy consumption of the vehicle’s CO2 air conditioning system is reported to have been even lower than that of an R134a system. The air conditioning system was upgraded last summer with a new CO2 compressor and a replacement heat exchanger, as the prototype was exhibiting external corrosion.

Higher costs due to CO2’s higher pressures have delayed introduction but the UBA says that systems will be available from next year. Meanwhile, prototypes of CO2 compressors for use in electric passenger car are also being developed.