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IIR document
Fast ramped superconducting magnets for the SIS100 of FAIR.
Lumped-Element Dynamic Electro-Thermal model of a superconducting magnet.
Design and optimization of niobium-titanium based superconductive magnet for the magneto resistive heat switch.
Superconducting magnets for NICA project.
Design and optimization of a HTS insert for solenoid magnets.
Cryogenic tests results of the regular superconducting magnets of the NICA collider.
Creation of cryogenic testing bench for superconducting magnets of NICA and SIS100 projects.
Modeling and numerical analysis of resistance network for non-insulated superconducting magnet.
Creation of cryogenic test bench for superconducting magnets of NICA and fair projects.
AC loss evaluation of an HTS insert for high field magnet cooled by cryocoolers.
Measurement of static heat leak and dynamic heat releases for NICA SC magnets.
Development and application of a generic CFD toolkit covering the heat flows in combined solid–liquid systems with emphasis on the thermal design of HiLumi superconducting magnets.
Challenges of high field large bore superconducting “outserts” for research magnets.
On the operating temperature of superconducting magnets cooled by superfluid helium.
Facility for superconducting magnet assembling and serial testing.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
4 results
Cryogenics 2019: NICA project aims at studying the state of matter existing shortly after the Big Bang
NICA project for a new superconducting accelerator complex in Russia attracted a lot of interest during IIR Cryogenics conference in Prague, in April 2019.
World’s most powerful MRI machines push the limits of human imaging
Latest MRI machines, developed in the US and in France and designed to operate under ultra-high magnetic strength thanks to giant superconducting magnets, should notably allow major advances in the understanding of neurological diseases.
LHC season 3: cryogenic cooling system upgrade
The particle accelerator returned to service in 2022 after numerous improvements, including an increase in cryogenic cooling power at point 4.
Refrigeration, a key player in the fight against cancer
Refrigeration technologies are an essential part of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of several cancers.
IIR news
1 result
Member news: Latest news from Air Liquide
Air Liquid inaugurates a low-carbon hydrogen production unit and promotes the development of helium refrigeration.