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IIR document
Measurements of pρTx and specific heat capacity cv for (R290 + R1243zf) binary mixtures at temperatures from (292 to 350) K and pressures up to 11 MPa.
Two-phase flow characterization for metal concentric tubes with capacitance measurement.
Quantification of two-phase flow in a microchannel heat exchanger header based on capacitance measurement.
Void fraction and flow regimes determined by visualization, mass measurement and new capacitance sensor.
Development of a capacitance based void fraction sensor for two-phase liquid nitrogen flow in horizontal pipes.
Measurement of the void fraction and maximum dry angle using electrical capacitance tomography applied to a 7?mm tube with R-134a.
Thermal resistance-capacitance network model for fast simulation on the desiccant coated devices used for effective electronic cooling.
Signal analysis and mass measurement based calibration of capacitive sensors for void fraction and flow regimes in horizontal and vertical round tubes using R134a.
Photovoltaic capacitive deionization regeneration method for liquid desiccant cooling system.
Measurement of the heat capacity of R1233zd(E).
Void fraction characteristics of adiabatic one-component vertically upward two-phase flows in circular and non-circular small diameter tubes.
Studies of two-phase flow through a sudden expansion using electrical capacitance tomography.
Capacity of refrigerated warehouses. 2021 summary.
Capacity of refrigerated warehouses. 2023 summary.
Capacity of refrigerated warehouses. 2013 summary.