IIR document

Quantification of two-phase flow in a microchannel heat exchanger header based on capacitance measurement.

Author(s) : SONG J., LU H., YUAN C., WANG R., PENG J., WANG L., JIANG H., LI H.

Type of article: IJR article


The two-phase distribution has always been one of the research focuses of microchannel heat exchangers, because the maldistribution could seriously affect the heat transfer performance. This paper developed a capacitive method to quantify the two-phase distribution of vapor-liquid flow in the aluminum header of a microchannel heat exchanger. A flexible capacitance sensor was used to quantify the two-phase distribution with R134a. The inlet mass fluxes vary from 17.47 kg m−2 s−1 to 52.42 kg m−2 s−1 and inlet vapor qualities range from 0.2 to 0.6. The normalized time-averaged capacitance signal was processed by a Gaussian function to obtain the mathematical expectation and the standard deviation. The local vapor quality in the header was solved for using a correlation derived from the pre-experiments. The distribution of local vapor quality showed that gases were concentrated upstream of the header, while liquids were concentrated in the middle and lower reaches. The local vapor quality reached a minimum and remained constant at 0.1 in the middle and lower reaches, unaffected by changes in inlet conditions. As the mass flux increased, both the local vapor quality maximum point and the minimum point in the header were shifted back toward the downstream. Additionally, the increase of mass flux caused the fluctuation of the standard deviation increased, which meant the stability of the flow decreased. The two-phase flow measurement technique based on flexible capacitance sensors proposed in this study realized the extension of the capacitive method from the experimental stage to the industrial application stage.

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Pages: 406-415


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  • Original title: Quantification of two-phase flow in a microchannel heat exchanger header based on capacitance measurement.
  • Record ID : 30032484
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 165
  • Publication date: 2024/09
  • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.06.003


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