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1206 results
Progress in low temperature physics. Vol. VIII.
Pompes à chaleur double-service en habitat individuel : conception et dimensionnement, installation et mise en service, entretien et maintenance.
Dual operation heat pumps in individual homes : design and sizing, installation and commissioning, maintenance and repair.
Les métiers du froid : avoir l'avenir devant soi. Portrait statistique des entreprises et des salariés. Branche professionnelle du froid, conditionnement de l’air et cuisines professionnelles.
Jobs in refrigeration : having the future ahead of you. Statistical portrait of businesses and employees. Refrigeration, air-conditioning and catering kitchens.
The quest for a green solution to the changing future of refrigeration and air-conditioning: the hydrocarbon white paper.
All India cold-chain infrastructure capacity (assessment of status & gap).
Refrigeration commitments & achievements of CGF members.
Pertes et gaspillages alimentaires : l'état des lieux et leur gestion par étapes de la chaîne alimentaire.
Food losses and waste: analysis and step-by-step management in the cold chain.
Report of the UNEP Technology and Economic Assessment Panel. Volume 1. Decision XXVII / 4 Task Force Update Report Further Information on Alternatives to Ozone-Depleting Substances.
Guide to natural refrigerants training in Europe 2017.
Cold hard facts 3
I am your optimisation guide.
Women in the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry: personal experiences and achievements.
Les femmes dans l'industrie du froid et du conditionnement d'air : expériences et réalisations personnelles.
Benefit-cost evaluation of U.S. Department of Energy investment in HVAC, water, heating, and appliance technology - Final report.
Pompes à chaleur géothermiques : les opérations de forage et limites de prestations.
Geothermal heat pumps: drilling operations and performance limitations.
Recommended by the IIR
Recommendations on the operation of air conditioning and heating systems coping with COVID-19.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
1 result
The environmental benefits of evaporative cooling
An Eurovent study shows that evaporative cooling could help save up to 56,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year in the future in the European Union. Evaporative cooling is present in half of the projects presented by the eight Global Cooling Prize...