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75 results
IIR document
Analysis on the reliability of R290 rotary compressor in the high ambient temperature.
Modeling of oil retention in microchannel type evaporators and its effects on refrigerant heat transfer.
Viscosity measurement and correlation of saturated solutions of R-290 with three lubricants.
Solubility measurements of refrigerants in polyolesters lubricants at temperature from 323.K to 383.K.
Determination and evaluation of thermodynamic properties of a refrigeration oil with CO2 (Daniel Plot).
Performance evaluation of diamond nanolubricants applied to a refrigeration system.
Effect of lubricating oil on the refrigerant heat transfer performance during spray evaporation on tube bundles.
Emerging technologies in metal working fluids and compatibility with refrigeration systems.
About the viscosity reduction of oils by diluted ammonia at high temperatures.
Performance of an oil-free linear compressor using R1234yf.
Measurements of solubility and kinematic viscosity data of refrigerants-lubricants oil mixtures.
Spray evaporation of R1234ze(E)/POE-68 refrigerant-oil mixture on enhanced tube bundles.
Experimental study of R1234yf as a low global warming potential alternative for R134a in an oil-free vapour compression refrigeration system.
Effect of oxide nanoparticles on the thermal, rheological and tribological behaviours of refrigerant compressor oil: An experimental investigation.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
9 results
The refrigerant oil market
The refrigerant oil market to reach USD 10 billion by 2020.
Immersion cooling: a high-performance plant-based fluid
A U.S. food company has created an immersion cooling fluid for data centres made from 90% vegetable oil.
The LNG-fuelled fleet continues to grow
According to the maritime classification and consultancy company DNV, orders for LNG-fuelled ships remained high in 2022, close to the record figure of 2021. The use of LNG as a...
Ultra-low temperature systems ready for COVID-19 vaccine storage
Mirai Intex, corporate member of the IIR, is positioning its ultra-low-temperature (ULT) systems to serve as the refrigeration technology for the storage of COVID-19 vaccines and the freeze-drying of the...
Reducing the environmental impact of ultra-low temperature refrigeration systems
Ultra-low temperature (ULT) refrigeration systems often use very high-GWP HFCs. Yet, ULT systems are excluded from the scope of the regulations aimed at phasing-down HFCs. An IJR paper reviews the most promising...
Australia to set up a carbon price for HFCs
In September 2011, the Australian Government introduced to the Parliament a set of Bills that aim to cut emissions of greenhouse gases by 159 million tonnes CO2 eq. a year. Included are bills that will introduce a carbon charge on imports of...
Current status and future trends of natural refrigerants in North and South America
Two papers presented at the IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference perfectly illustrate the interest in natural refrigerants and the obstacles they face in the Americas.
ICR 2019: an overview of current refrigeration research (part I)
Presentation of the main scientific and technical topics covered in the papers of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration and summary of some of the 14 keynotes.
Novel desiccant materials for more energy-efficient AC systems
Teams of researchers at MIT and at Texas A&M University have developed novel desiccant materials that could lead to more energy-efficient and economical room air conditioners and...
IIR news
3 results
News from IIR members: Alfa Laval wins € 6 million energy efficiency order in Kazakhstan
Alfa Laval – a world leader in heat transfer, centrifugal separation and fluid handling – recently won an order to supply Alfa Laval Packinox heat exchangers to a refinery in Kazakhstan.
Join our training course and officially become a new Ambassador for clean cooling and heating!
Experts and representatives from three sister projects in different regions of the world: ENOUGH in Europe, INDEE+ in India and ACES in Africa are arranging a free one-hour training course on clean cooling and...
Gustav Lorentzen conference 2022
After two years of pandemic during which the conferences were either cancelled or held online, the IIR had the pleasure of organising a conference on site, in Norway. It was attended by 332 participants. The...