Qualité d'un fromage de vache du type Graviera et d'un fromage de vache et de brebis à faible teneur en matières grasses fabriqués à partir de lait de vache cru réfrigéré ou non.

Quality of a Graviera-type cow cheese and a low-fat cow + ewe cheese from raw and refrigerated cow's milk.

Auteurs : LALOS G. T., ROUSSIS I. G.

Type d'article : Article


Present results indicate that Graviera-type cheese of good appearance with some eyes and good flavour having a light bitter taste can be made by balancing propionibacteria and using highest feasible salting. Moreover, low-fat semi-hard cheese, with about 8% fat, 56-57% MNFS, and a good body and texture can be made from cow's milk and ewe's skim milk by applying the present protocol. Cold storage of cow's milk causes deterioration of Graviera-type cheeses, but has little effect on the quality of low-fat cheese.


  • Titre original : Quality of a Graviera-type cow cheese and a low-fat cow + ewe cheese from raw and refrigerated cow's milk.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2001-0355
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Milchwissenschaft - vol. 54 - n. 12
  • Date d'édition : 1999
  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.


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