A platform-based product family design method using physical similarity law and its application to room air conditioners.


This paper proposes a “Platform-Based Design Method” concept using a standardized product reference architecture. Three examples cover a wide range from H/W key parts design with mechanical similarity law to standardized control S/W with reference algorithms architecture and an automatic UX design environment with machine learning. Firstly, we introduce a H/W design theory based on the similarity law of structural and fluid dynamics, using family design examples of various sizes outdoor units equipped with a new type hub less high-performance fan. A standardized heat exchanger circuit design optimization example with a robust distributor that improves the drift of liquid refrigerant is also shown. Secondly, we introduce parameter-adjustable S/W reference architecture P/F using universal 1D-lumped equation model for comfort airflow design. Third, in the scene of airflow control S/W development for indoor units, a front-loading design idea that combines thermal-fluid 2D-CFD with dimensionless numbers and reinforcement learning is proposed. The effectiveness of our auto-tuning method using Machine Learning with standardized CFD is proved through the RAC's User eXperience design.

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Pages: 10 p.




  • Original title: A platform-based product family design method using physical similarity law and its application to room air conditioners.
  • Record ID : 30030727
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: 2022 Purdue Conferences. 19th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
  • Publication date: 2022


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