Advanced energy design guide for small office buildings.

Author(s) : ASHRAE

Type of monograph: Book, Guide/Handbook


This guide, published in the Advanced Energy Design Guide series, is intended to provide a simple approach for contractors and designers who create office buildings up to 20,000 ft2. Application of the recommendations in the guide should result in smalloffice buildings with 30% energy savings when compared to those same office buildings designed to the minimum requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999. Extract from the table of contents: an integrated process to achieve energy savings; recommendations by climate; how to implement recommendations. In the appendice: envelope thermal performance factors. This guide can be downloaded from:


  • Original title: Advanced energy design guide for small office buildings.
  • Record ID : 2008-1011
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation, Environment
  • Publication: Ashrae (american society of heating, refrigerating and air-conditioning engineers) - United states/United states
  • Publication date: 2004
  • Collection:
  • ISBN: 1931862559
