IIR document
Advanced pressure swing adsorption (PSA) air purification systems.
Author(s) : KALBASSI M. A., GOLDEN T. C.
PSA is an attractive economic alternative to conventional thermal swing adsorption (TSA) systems. With over 80 air separation units operational world-wide, ranging from small nitrogen generators to 1500 t/d oxygen units, since 1990, PSA has estabished and perfected itself as an attractive alternative technique for air purification. PSA is an extremely productive and reliable system which uses cycle times in the range 20-50 minutes. Water, CO2, and a number of hydrocarbons including acethylene are fully removed. As the principle "heatless drying" is applied, the system requires no external heat source to aid regeneration. The choice of the adsorbent, combined with high system productivity, tremendously reduces the switch loss and air separation units transients in a PSA system. However, PSA systems are best optimised if the P/A is higher than 0.3 (molar purge/air ratio) which is easily achieved in many air separation plants. A further distinct benefit of the PSA system is its ability to accept feed gas temperatures up to 50 deg C. Despite such a high water loading, the PSA capacity is such that the system capacity is only moderately decreased. This means that no air pre-cooling and associated costly equipment is required.
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- Original title: Advanced pressure swing adsorption (PSA) air purification systems.
- Record ID : 1998-0054
- Languages: English
- Source: MUST 1996. Meeting on Air Separation Technology
- Publication date: 1996/10/10
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles from the proceedings (14)
See the conference proceedings
- Themes: Gas liquefaction and separation
- Keywords: Oxygen; Manufacturer; PSA; Production; USA; Equipment
The Air Liquide compact VSA (vacuum swing adsor...
- Author(s) : MONEREAU C.
- Date : 1996/10/10
- Languages : English
- Source: MUST 1996. Meeting on Air Separation Technology
- Formats : PDF
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The road to lower installed VSA (vacuum swing a...
- Author(s) : MILNER D., AMBRIANO J.
- Date : 1996/10/10
- Languages : English
- Source: MUST 1996. Meeting on Air Separation Technology
- Formats : PDF
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Advances in ambient temperature air separation.
- Author(s) : NOTARO F.
- Date : 1996/10/10
- Languages : English
- Source: MUST 1996. Meeting on Air Separation Technology
- Formats : PDF
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Adsorption processes for natural gas treatment.
- Author(s) : DAIMINGER U., LIND W.
- Date : 2004/02/26
- Languages : English
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La séparation des gaz par procédés non cryogéni...
- Author(s) : MONEREAU C.
- Date : 1992/10
- Languages : French
- Source: Rev. gén. Froid - vol. 82 - n. 8
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