IIR document
Air cooling coil performance under frosting conditions. 1. Performance measurement and results. 2. Modelling.
Author(s) : O'HAGAN A. N., CLELAND D. J., CLELAND A. C.
The performance of an air cooling coil has been studied under the following conditions: inlet air 0 deg C, variable heat flow and variable inlet air humidity. The impact of frost on the heat transfer coefficient is studied, as well as the frost density which depends on the air relative humidity. The authors have then tried to develop a mathematical model which determines the transition conditions between different frost densities.
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- Original title: Air cooling coil performance under frosting conditions. 1. Performance measurement and results. 2. Modelling.
- Record ID : 1994-3486
- Languages: English
- Source: Cold Chain Refrigeration Equipment by Design.
- Publication date: 1993/11/15
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles from the proceedings (59)
See the conference proceedings
Prevention of frost formation on the heat excha...
- Author(s) : KALENDER'JAN V. A., GAPPASOV V. P.
- Date : 1993
- Languages : Russian
- Source: Kholodilnaya Tekhnika - n. 2
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Heat transfer on cold frosting surfaces.
- Author(s) : BETTANINI E.
- Date : 1995/05
- Languages : Italian
- Source: Termotecnica - vol. 49 - n. 5
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- Author(s) : BABAKIN B. S., ERKIN M. A.
- Date : 1988
- Languages : Russian
- Source: Kholodilnaya Tekhnika - n. 6
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Analysis of frosting model with spatial variati...
- Author(s) : FENG Y. S., YU B., QUE X. C., CHEN Z. J.
- Date : 1998/04/21
- Languages : English
- Source: Cryogenics and refrigeration. Proceedings of ICCR '98.
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Calcul de la puissance calorifique d'une batterie.
- Author(s) : VAN LOC N.
- Date : 1996/10
- Languages : French
- Source: Chaud Froid Plomb. - vol. 50 - n. 584
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