Ammonia pressure-relief valves: what you need to know today.

Válvulas de seguridad para amoniaco: lo que necesita conocer hoy.

Author(s) : JACUS J.

Type of article: Article


This article presents the Spanish translation of the Bulletin of the IIR reference 1998-0221. When the chips are down, the most important valve in a refrigeration system is the pressure relief valve. Its correct functioning provides a controlled discharge of refrigerant to a safe location when over-pressure occurs in the system for any reason.


  • Original title: Válvulas de seguridad para amoniaco: lo que necesita conocer hoy.
  • Record ID : 2003-1245
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Source: Frío Calor Aire acondicionado - vol. 29 - n. 331
  • Publication date: 2001/11
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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