In this study, the condensation process of pure refrigerants R134a and R32 in a horizontal multi-port tube is investigated experimentally. The test tube is made of aluminium alloy, and it has 17 rectangular minichannels of 0.85 mm in hydraulic diameter. The experiments were carried out in the mass velocity range of 100 to 400 kg/m2.s at saturation temperatures of 40 and 60°C. Then, the sectional averaged heat transfer coefficients were measured in eight subsections. In cases of high mass velocity, the heat transfer coefficient decreases monotonically with decrease of vapor quality; this corresponds to the decrease of vapor shear stress. On the other hand, in case of low mass velocity, the heat transfer coefficient is almost kept constant in a wide vapour quality range; it is inferred that the surface tension effect is dominant in this range. Based on these results, we developed a new heat transfer correlation considering both effects of vapor shear stress and surface tension.
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- Original title: An experimental study on condensation of pure refrigerants in horizontal rectangular minichannels.
- Record ID : 30002318
- Languages: English
- Source: Proceedings of the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-26, 2011. Overarching theme: Refrigeration for Sustainable Development.
- Publication date: 2011/08/21
See other articles from the proceedings (569)
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- Formats : PDF
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