IIR document
Proceedings of the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-26, 2011. Overarching theme: Refrigeration for Sustainable Development.
Date: 2011.08.21 / 2011.08.26
Location: Prague, Czech (Republic)
These proceedings comprise 593 papers presented during the 23rd International Congress of Refrigeration held in Prague, Czech Republic, on August 21-26, 2011. Topics: A1. Cryophysics, cryoengineering: cryogenic materials, devices and measurements; cryocoolers and pulse tubes. A2. Liquefaction and separation of gases: rare gases; carbon capture and storage; air separation for CCS; LNG liquefaction. B1. Thermodynamics and transfer processes: boiling; heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of natural refrigerants; latest status of low GWP refrigerants; investigations on properties of HFO blends; minichannels; characteristics of ammonia-water systems; alternative cooling technologies; thermoacoustic systems. B2. Refrigerating equipment: energy use and energy efficiency (phase-change materials and nanofluids; indirect systems; ejector refrigeration systems); environmental footprint from refrigeration; heat pipes; heat exchangers; non-traditional refrigerating applications. C1. Cryobiology, cryomedicine: spray cooling of R404A in laser surgery ; new technologies for health and beauty; brain cooling ; gas mixtures used in cryomedicine and cryotherapy. C2. Food science and engineering: infiltration, temperature distribution; certification, efficiency, emissions; modelling and simulation of freezing and refrigeration operations; advances in food freezing and refrigeration; food quality; thermal and physical properties of food. D1. Refrigerated storage: retail refrigeration ; refrigerated warehouses; cold storage and storage of cold. D2. Refrigerated transport: insulation; new concepts; food cold chain. E1. Air conditioning: development in refrigerant cycles for air conditioning; indoor air quality; solar air conditioning; desiccant systems; vehicle air conditioning; air conditioning of industrial premises; air humidification and dehumidification, evaporative cooling; energy savings. E2. Heat pumps: high-temperature industrial heat pumps; energy efficiency; legislation, pipes and flooded evaporator systems; heat pumps and future magnetocaloric technologies.
Available documents
Format CD-Rom
Pages: 4418
Public price
80 €
Member price*
60 €
* Best rate depending on membership category (see the detailed benefits of individual and corporate memberships).
- Original title: Proceedings of the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-26, 2011. Overarching theme: Refrigeration for Sustainable Development.
- Organiser : IIF-IIR, ICARIS
- Record ID : 30001110
- Languages: English
- Number of articles: 570
- Publication: IIF-IIR - France/France
- ISSN: 10259031
- ISBN: 9782913149885
- Series number: 23
- Conference type: IIR Congress
- IIR commissions: Air conditioning, Refrigerated storage, Cryobiology, cryomedicine, Thermodynamics & transfer processes, Cryophysics, cryoengineering, Air conditioning, Refrigerated storage, Cryobiology, cryomedicine, Thermodynamics & transfer processes, Cryophysics, cryoengineering, Food science & engineering, Liquefaction & separation of gases, Heat pumps, energy recovery, Refrigerated transport, Refrigerating equipment, Food science & engineering, Liquefaction & separation of gases, Heat pumps, energy recovery, Refrigerated transport, Refrigerating equipment
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See articles (570)
See conference
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: general information;
Refrigerating equipment: general information;
Refrigerated transport: general information;
Heat pumps, energy recovery: general information;
Refrigerated storage: general information;
Refrigeration and perishable products: general information;
Cryobiology, cryomedicine: general information;
General information on refrigeration;
Industrial, commercial and domestic refrigeration: general information;
Thermodynamics, transfer processes: general information;
Cryology, gas processing: general information;
Air conditioning: general information;
Heat pumps techniques;
Evaporators, condensers and other heat exchangers;
Cryomedicine and cryosurgery;
Indoor air quality;
Air conditioning in laboratories and industry;
Freezing of foodstuffs;
Two-phase secondary refrigerants (PCMs, ice slurries…);
Caloric cooling (magnetocaloric, electrocaloric, elastocaloric and barocaloric cooling) - Keywords: Thermodynamics; Industrial application; Food; Car; Refrigerated transport; Heat transfer; Chilling; Heat pump; LNG; Cold store; Cold storage; Solar energy; Energy saving; Cryocooler; Cryogenics; Freezing; Refrigerant; Air conditioning; Heat exchanger; Compressor
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