IIR document

An NTU-effectiveness model for alternative refrigerants.


Type of article: Article, IJR article


The paper presents a steady state simulation model to predict the performance of alternative refrigerants in vapour compression refrigeration/heat pump systems. The model is based on the NTU-effectiveness (number of transfer units-effectiveness of the heat exchange) method in analysing the heat exchangers following an elemental approach. The model extends its applicability to new refrigerants including hydrocarbons and uses a large database of REFPROP package for refrigerant properties. The inputs to the model include the physical details on the heat exchangers, compressor efficiency, mass flow rates of heat transfer fluids and their inlet temperatures to the evaporator and the condenser, the pressure drops across the heat exchangers and the capacity of either the evaporator or condenser (in kilowatts). The model results are validated with a wide range of experimental data of HCFC-22 and propane (HC-290) on a heat pump test facility for a number of parameters, e.g. COP, condenser capacity, mass flow rate of the refrigerant and compressor discharge temperature. Although the model is currently tested for pure refrigerants using compact brazed plate (counter flow type) heat exchangers, it can also be applied to mixture of refrigerants as well as to other types of heat exchangers.

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Pages: 381-397


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  • Original title: An NTU-effectiveness model for alternative refrigerants.
  • Record ID : 1999-0754
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 21 - n. 5
  • Publication date: 1998/08


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