Calcium chloride sprays decrease physiological disorders following long-term cold storage of apple.

Author(s) : DRIS R., NISKANEN R.

Type of article: Article


The experimental cultivars were Melba, Raike, Red Atlas, Akerö, Aroma, and Lobo. The treatments were untreated control and preharvest CaCl2 sprays at 2.0 g Ca/litre. Fruit samples were stored for 2-6 months at 2-4 °C and 85-95% RH. The percentage incidence of physiological storage disorders was scored. Fruit macronutrients, firmness, diameter and juice titratable acidity and percentage of soluble solids were determined. Preharvest CaCl2 sprays increased fruit firmness and the titratable acidity but decreased soluble solids, soluble solids:titratable acidity ratio, and the incidence of physiological storage disorders in some cultivars.


  • Original title: Calcium chloride sprays decrease physiological disorders following long-term cold storage of apple.
  • Record ID : 2001-1890
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Qual. Plant., Plant Foods hum. Nutr. - vol. 54 - n. 2
  • Publication date: 1999


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