Clean rooms and associated controlled environments: biocontamination control. 1. General principles. 2. Evaluation and interpretation of biocontamination data. 3. Measurement of the efficiency of processes of cleaning and/or disinfection of inert surfaces bearing biocontaminated wet soiling or biofilms.

Clean rooms and associated controlled environments: biocontamination control. 1. General principles. 2. Evaluation and interpretation of biocontamination data. 3. Measurement of the efficiency of processes of cleaning and/or disinfection of inert surfaces bearing biocontaminated wet soiling or biofilms./ Salles propres et environnements maîtrisés apparentés : maîtrise de la biocontamination. 1. Principes généraux. 2. Evaluation et interprétation des données de biocontamination. 3. Méthodologie de mesurage de l'efficacité de procédés de nettoyage et/ou de désinfection de surfaces inertes portant des souillures humides biocontaminées ou des biofilms.

Author(s) : ISO

Type of monograph: Standard/Recommendation


This standard describes the principles and basic methodology for a formal system to assess and control biocontamination, where clean room technology is applied, in order that biocontamination in zones at risk can be monitored in a reproducible way and appropriate control measures can be selected. In zones of low or negligible risk this standard may be used as a source of information. This document is a draft circulated for comment and subject to change.


  • Original title: Clean rooms and associated controlled environments: biocontamination control. 1. General principles. 2. Evaluation and interpretation of biocontamination data. 3. Measurement of the efficiency of processes of cleaning and/or disinfection of inert surfaces bearing biocontaminated wet soiling or biofilms./ Salles propres et environnements maîtrisés apparentés : maîtrise de la biocontamination. 1. Principes généraux. 2. Evaluation et interprétation des données de biocontamination. 3. Méthodologie de mesurage de l'efficacité de procédés de nettoyage et/ou de désinfection de surfaces inertes portant des souillures humides biocontaminées ou des biofilms.
  • Record ID : 1999-3978
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Publication: Iso (international organization for standardization) - Switzerland/Switzerland
  • Publication date: 1999
  • Collection:
  • Source: Source: ISO-DIS 14698-1.2.3; 57 p. (F.) + 52 p. (E.) (21 x 29.7); append./ICS 13.040.30.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.