The mechanical vapor compression system (MVC) coupled with the evaporative-cooling condenser is an effective method to improve its high temperature adaptability. However, this hybrid systems typically use an evaporative cooler as a single-stage pre-cooling unit of condenser and is mainly designed for hot–dry climates. In this paper, based on conventional evaporative-cooling condenser configuration, three two-stage evaporative-cooling condenser systems (MVC-TSEC(A), MVC-TSEC(B) and MVC-TSEC(C)) were proposed. The MVC-TSEC(A) consists of one condenser and an indirect/direct evaporative-cooler. The MVC-TSEC(B) and MVC-TSEC(C) have two condensers (in series), which are coupled with a two-stage evaporative cooling system. The refrigerant in the MVC-TSEC(C) forms a counter-flow configuration with the outdoor air, while it is concurrent flow in MVC-TSEC(B). Subsequently, the effects of the ambient parameters and outdoor air flowrate on the three two-stage hybrid systems were analyzed comparatively based on detailed numerical models. Finally, the application potential of these hybrid systems was evaluated comprehensively in hot–humid climates. The results showed that the seasonal COP and energy-saving rate for the MVC-TSEC(C) are reached by 4.2–4.7 and 12.7–21.1 %, respectively. Moreover, the static equipment payback period of the three two-stage hybrid systems are 3.8, 3.3 and 3.0 years, respectively.
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Pages: 390-401
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- Original title: Comparative study on energy-saving performance of single- and two-stage evaporative-cooling condenser systems.
- Record ID : 30032269
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 160
- Publication date: 2024/04
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.02.013
See other articles in this issue (33)
See the source
Energy efficiency, energy savings;
Evaporators, condensers and other heat exchangers;
Humidification/dehumidification equipment - Keywords: Evaporative condenser; Evaporative system; Two-stage system; Single-stage system; Energy consumption; Energy saving; Modelling; Hot climate; Humid climate; Performance; COP; Seasonal performance; Relative humidity; Air conditioning; Ambient condition
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