Concentration gradients of isobutane or propane in rooms when leaks occur.
Gradients de concentration d'isobutane ou de propane dans des pièces lors de fuites.
Author(s) : CLODIC D.
Type of article: Article
These tests show that the practical limit of 8 g/m3 for propane and isobutane does not prevent concentrations near the floor being higher than the lower flammability limit for durations between 30 minutes and 1 hour 30 minutes. Phenomena of over-concentration at floor level appear systematically when there is a barrier near the floor, but also when leaks happen in room corners. In all cases, when leaks occur below 30 cm, the concentration horizontal gradient is significantly more uniform than the vertical gradient. With natural convection, durations in the range of 2 hours are necessary to return to a uniform concentration of propane in the test room and more than 5 hours with isobutane.
- Original title: Gradients de concentration d'isobutane ou de propane dans des pièces lors de fuites.
- Record ID : 1999-0084
- Languages: French
- Source: Kelvin - n. 3-4
- Publication date: 1997
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles in this issue (12)
See the source
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- Date : 2013
- Languages : Ukrainian
- Source: Holodil'na Tehnika i Tehnologiâ - n. 6
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- Author(s) : MEGURO T., KAJI N., MIYAKE K.
- Date : 1999
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers - vol. 16 - n. 3
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- Author(s) : OSOKIN V. V., BIRÛKOV A. N.
- Date : 2011
- Languages : Ukrainian
- Source: Holodil'na Tehnika i Tehnologiâ - n. 4
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