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Convective condensation heat transfer correlations for pure and blended refrigerants in horizontal microfin tubes.
Author(s) : KUKREJA R., JAIN S., AGARWAL R. S.
Tube side condensation is important in air conditioning, automobile and various process industries applications. The phasing out of traditional CFC refrigerants due to their high ozone depletion potential (ODP) has led to the use of blended zeotropic refrigerants. Some of these blended refrigerants with almost negligible ODP exhibit heat transfer degradation in tubes during in-tube condensation due to additional thermal resistance of mass transfer and nonlinear property effects. The modern condensers are expected to be compact, with low refrigerant hold up and weight, implying smaller and thinner tubes. Enhanced tube geometries are the key to move in this direction. Microfin tubes with different geometrical parameters are now widely being used in condensers, evaporators and coolers of various unitary air conditioning systems. These tubes give significant increase in heat transfer with relatively less pressure drop penalty. This paper provides a comprehensive review of various heat transfer correlations proposed by different authors for the condensation of pure and blended refrigerants in smooth and micro fin tubes. A new empirical correlation based on two phase multiplier approach using the experimental data of various researchers has been proposed. The correlation predicts the local heat transfer coefficient for pure and blended refrigerants in horizontal micro fin tubes within plus or minus 15% range.
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- Original title: Convective condensation heat transfer correlations for pure and blended refrigerants in horizontal microfin tubes.
- Record ID : 2008-0547
- Languages: English
- Subject: HFCs alternatives
- Source: ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Publication date: 2007/08/21
See other articles from the proceedings (839)
See the conference proceedings
Heat transfer - Keywords: HCFC; Correlation; Comparison; Microchannel; Heat transfer; Bare pipe; HFC; Refrigerant; Condensation
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