Convective flow and heat transfer in a channel containing multiple heated obstacles.

Author(s) : YOUNG T. J., VAFAI K.

Type of article: Article


The present work details the numerical simulation of forced convective incompressible flow in a channel with an array of heated obstacles attached to one wall. Three levels of Nusselt numbers are emphasized in this systematic analysis: local distributions along the obstacle exposed faces, mean values for individual faces, and overall obstacle mean values. This study details the effects of variations in the obstacle height, width, spacing and number, along with the obstacle thermal conductivity, fluid flow rate and heating method results. The periodicity of the mean Nusselt number is established, relative to the ninth obstacle, at the 5 and 10% difference levels. The periodic behaviour of the velocity components and temperature distributions are also explicitly demonstrated in the array.


  • Original title: Convective flow and heat transfer in a channel containing multiple heated obstacles.
  • Record ID : 1999-1456
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 41 - n. 21
  • Publication date: 1998/11


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