Cryogenics with cement microscopy redefines cement behaviour.

Author(s) : MEHTA S., JONES R., CAVENY B.

Type of article: Article


Cement samples frozen in a nitrogen slush and viewed with a scanning electron microscope present a more accurate picture of the setting process. This analysis, for example, shows that a compound, long believed to control gelation, was an artifact of sample preparation. Besides some compounds require different retarders or accelerators to establish control of the gelation process. The study also contradicts the well-accepted belief that all void spaces in cement are caused by air trapped during hydration. These studies are expected to optimize waiting on cement times, slurry retarder additions, gel times to fit given situations, to reduce planning and design times, and to improve cement selection and cement manufacture. J.V.


  • Original title: Cryogenics with cement microscopy redefines cement behaviour.
  • Record ID : 1996-1202
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Oil Gas J. - vol. 92 - n. 40
  • Publication date: 1994/10
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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