Cryopreservation of human adipose tissues.
Author(s) : CUI X. D., GAO D. Y., FINK B. F., et al.
Type of article: Article
Scientific studies on cryopreservation of adipose tissues have seldom been performed. The purpose of this study is conducted both in vitro and in vivo to develop a novel cryopreservation method that can be used successfully for long-term preservation of human adipose tissues for possible future clinical application. In this study, samples of adipose aspirates were obtained from 36 adult white female patients after liposuction and collected from the middle layer after centrifugation. In the in vitro study, suitable cryoprotectant agents (CPAs) and their concentrations and possible combinations were selected from our preliminary experiment. A combination of dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) and trehalose as CPA with the optimal concentration (0.5 M Me2SO and 0.2 M trehalose) was chosen and then used throughout the study. In addition, maximal recovery of adipose tissues was achieved after cryopreservation using slow cooling without seeding (1-2°C/min to -30°C, followed by plunging to -196°C for storage) and fast warming (in 40°C water bath, averaging 35°C/min). [Reprinted with permission from Elsevier. Copyright, 2007].
- Original title: Cryopreservation of human adipose tissues.
- Record ID : 2008-0943
- Languages: English
- Source: Cryobiology - vol. 55 - n. 3
- Publication date: 2007/12
See other articles in this issue (4)
See the source
- Themes: The influence of refrigeration on cells, tissues and organs
- Keywords: Cryoprotectant; Liquid nitrogen; Tissue; DMSO; Design; Process; Man; Cryopreservation
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