IIR document

Current net-zero developments and complexities.

Number: 0010


Many kinds of promises and pledges for net-zero have been given before and at the Glasgow COP-26. This relates to the Paris Agreement and the NDCs* that are supposed to outline emission reductions, also towards net-zero. Internationally, things have changed, particularly since the first quarter of 2022. New emergency infrastructure projects to diversify Europe’s gas supplies seem unavoidable and they have far-reaching impacts on infrastructures elsewhere (e.g., in the USA and Africa). However, while only a stopgap, perpetuating them proves no solution for achieving the necessary reductions towards net-zero. That implies that anything short of radical, immediate climate action will ultimately eliminate the chance of staying on the 1.5 °C path. While substantially increased and continual investments in renewable energy capacity are needed in both developed and developing countries, one greatly needs to plan for a large-scale renewable use. The needs for renewables in various sectors will be described, with an emphasis on how renewable energy would need to be distributed across sectors, particularly related to the renewable capacity demands from the RACHP sector. This includes the reduction of the demand, and the use of energy efficient low-GWP alternatives, but more will be required to address the equipment growth, particularly for heat pumps. The paper will therefore consider a variety of net-zero developments related to all sectors and the part of the RACHP sector therein. How the RACHP sector is likely to develop is an important aspect of the paper as various issues on renewables play a role. A summary of what this may mean for future developments in the relevant RACHP sector as of 2023 shall be provided.

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  • Original title: Current net-zero developments and complexities.
  • Record ID : 30030969
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Source: 10th IIR Conference on Ammonia and CO2 Refrigeration Technologies.
  • Publication date: 2023/04/27
  • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.nh3-co2.2023.0010


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