Determination of coil defrosting loads. Parts 1 to 5.

Author(s) : MUTAWA N. K. al-, SHERIF S. A., et al.


The heat loads associated with defrosting industrial freezer coils have not been fully quantified as a function of the various parameters that affect the system. The current ASHRAE recommendation is to simply assume that the coil defrosting load is a part of the refrigeration equipment-related load, which, at freezer temperatures, may exceed 15% of the net refrigeration load. There is no direction as to how the designer may determine what the actual defrosting load may be. In response to this need, ASHRAE launched a research project, RP-622, and a special test apparatus was designed and constructed to achieve a set of well-defined objectives. The paper provides a detailed description of this experimental test facility in order to serve as a stand-alone reference for research conducted employing this facility. The other parts deal with instrumentation, achievement of tests, refrigeration/defrost cycle dynamics and discussion of results.


  • Original title: Determination of coil defrosting loads. Parts 1 to 5.
  • Record ID : 1999-2934
  • Languages: English
  • Source: ASHRAE Transactions. 1998 Winter Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Publication date: 1998
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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