IIR document
Development of thermal energy storage system for peak thermal demand of apartment using phase change material.
Number: pap. n. 1891
Author(s) : JEONG H. J., PARK D., PARK Y. S., et al.
Thermal energy storage technology can solve a problem of time discrepancy between heat supply and demand by using sensible or latent heat storage. Generally, the storage media of sensible heat storage is water. There is advantage of latent heat storage using phase change material (PCM), since both of sensible and latent heats can be used for heat storage. Therefore, the latent heat storage has high energy density than that of sensible heat storage. Recently, the latent heat storage has been widely considered in order to apply to control temperature in building, cold food chain, air conditioning, and so on. In this study, thermal energy storage system using solid-liquid PCM was developed to respond peak thermal demand of apartment. The thermal demand in apartment is generally peaked in the morning and at night. Since the imbalance of thermal demand during a day, the heat supply system of the apartment should be installed as large scale system to cover the peak thermal demand. Note that the capital and operational costs of heat supply system become high to cover the peak thermal demand. Therefore, it was necessary to develop thermal energy storage for charging heat at normal thermal demand and discharging heat at peak thermal demand. PCM in the latent heat storage was developed to discharge heat at the peak of thermal demand. The melting temperature of PCM applied to this study was 78 °C. The hot water supplied from Korea District Heating Corporation (KDHC) had high pressure as high as 15 bar. Therefore, the latent heat storage was designed with shell-tube structure. In this presentation, the progress of project to develop latent heat storage system and preliminary test results are provided.
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- Original title: Development of thermal energy storage system for peak thermal demand of apartment using phase change material.
- Record ID : 30026646
- Languages: English
- Source: Proceedings of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Montréal , Canada, August 24-30, 2019.
- Publication date: 2019/08/24
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.icr.2019.1891
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