Effect of low temperature on the sugar and glucosinolate content of rutabaga.

Author(s) : SHATTUCK V. I., KAKUDA Y., SHELP B. J.

Type of article: Article


Field and greenhouse studies were conducted. The total sugar concentration (sucrose, fructose and glucose) increased rapidly during the first 2 weeks and then levelled off. The low temperature treatment of plants resulted in a 10% increase in the total sugar concentration in roots. Low temperature altered the concentration of several glucosinolates in peeled root and peel tissues, but did not induce a qualitative change in the glucosinolate profile.


  • Original title: Effect of low temperature on the sugar and glucosinolate content of rutabaga.
  • Record ID : 1992-2790
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1991
  • Source: Source: Sci. Hortic.
    vol. 48; n. 1-2; 9-19; 27 ref.