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IIR document
The water-sucrose diagram, sucrose hydrates and frozen stability of sweet products.
Effects of continuous cooling on physiological and biochemical indexes of the blue mussels.
Development of a fully organic microencapsulated phase change material from agricultural residues.
Refrigeration and thermal control during industrial storage of potatoes to prevent acrylamide.
Liquid ice with an anaesthetic additive improves animal welfare in farmed sea bream during stunning and slaughtering.
Crushed ice including nanoencapsulated clove essential oil improves animal welfare in farmed European sea bass during stunning and slaughtering.
When salmon is stunned using nanoencapsulated anaesthetic, and it is cold stored in ice including nanoencapsulated essential oils, the quality and shelf-life increase.
The autonomic effects of whole-body cryostimulation at two different temperatures in patients with obesity.
Impact of Low-Temperature Storage on the Microstructure, Digestibility, and Absorption Capacity of Cooked Rice.
Influence of glucose addition on freezing point of cherry.
Freeze-thawing behaviour of high concentration alkali salt-glucose aqueous systems.
Study on the effect of PVP and glucose in lyophilization of human red blood cells.
[In Chinese. / En chinois.]
Changes in sucrose and glycerol content in garlic shoot tips during freezing using PVS3 solution.
Intracellular sugars improve survival of human red blood cells cryopreserved at -80°C in the presence of polyvinyl pyrrolidone and human serum albumin.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
5 results
Cold temperatures, a potential ally against cancer
Exposure to cold temperatures can reduce tumour growth by slowing down the glucose metabolism of cancer cells.
Refrigeration reduces the glycemic index of cooked rice
Several studies highlight the benefits of refrigeration on the glycaemic index of rice, which is important in the control of chronic diseases such as diabetes.
Briefs: Losing weight thanks to cooling?
Could cold temperatures become a way to lose weight? Three recent studies underline the role of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in burning fat to produce heat and regulate body temperature. Human adults were previously thought to be lacking BAT. All...
Honey is an efficient natural cryoprotectant in fertility preservation
While several review articles point to the need for new, effective and less toxic cryoprotectants, honey has proven to be an effective non-penetrating...
Briefs: Frozen vegetables more nutritious than fresh?
According to a study conducted by the Institute of Food Research (UK) on behalf of frozen food giant Birds Eye, frozen vegetables can be more nutritious than supposedly fresh supermarket produce. Fresh vegetables can lose up to 45% of important...