IIR document
Effect of modified-atmosphere packaging on the quality of Iceberg lettuce during cold storage and shelf life.
Iceberg lettuce was harvested, vacuum cooled and transported with a refrigerated truck. Lettuces were placed in modified-atmosphere packs and placed: 1) in 0 deg C for cold storage trials; 2) in 20 deg C for shelf-life trials. Cold stored lettuces were stored for 20 days and analysed every 5 days, whereas lettuces in 20 deg C were stored for 7 days and analysed daily for the following quality parameters: total soluble solids (%), titratable acidity (g citric acid/100 g), colour (brightness), weight loss, consumable leaves, decayed or faded leaves and sensorial criteria like taste and crispness. According to our results, modified-atmosphere films have prolonged the storage life up to 20 days and shelf-life for 7 days, without any quality losses.
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- Original title: Effect of modified-atmosphere packaging on the quality of Iceberg lettuce during cold storage and shelf life.
- Record ID : 1996-1020
- Languages: English
- Source: New Applications of Refrigeration to Fruit and Vegetables Processing.
- Publication date: 1994/06/08
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles from the proceedings (42)
See the conference proceedings
Food quality and safety. Microbiology;
Vegetables - Keywords: Modified atmosphere; Treatment; Chilling; Harvesting; Quality; Salad; Vegetable; Lettuce; Packaging; Storage life
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