Effect of O2 and CO2 partial pressure on selected phenomena affecting fruit and vegetable quality.

Author(s) : BEAUDRY R. M.

Type of article: Article


Commercial modification of the atmosphere for the preservation of fresh fruit and vegetables dates to the early part of this century. Early successes with apple fruit has lead to the attempt to apply modified atmospheres to a wide range of commodities. Responses to atmospheric modification include both unwanted and beneficial physiological. The physiological bases for some of these responses to elevated CO2 and reduced O2 are discussed.


  • Original title: Effect of O2 and CO2 partial pressure on selected phenomena affecting fruit and vegetable quality.
  • Record ID : 1999-3623
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Postharvest Biol. Technol. - vol. 15 - n. 3
  • Publication date: 1999/03


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