Effect of the lactoperoxidase system on Listeria monocytogenes behaviour in raw milk at refrigeration temperatures.

Author(s) : GAYA P., MEDINA M., NUNEZ M.

Type of article: Article


Antibacterial activity of the lacteroperoxydase-thiocyanate-hydrogen peroxyde system against four strains of L. monocytogenes is investigated. This activity depends on temperature, incubation time and the tested strain. At chilling temperatures, the activity of the lactoperoxydase system seems to be effective for regulating contamination of raw milk by Listeria.


  • Original title: Effect of the lactoperoxidase system on Listeria monocytogenes behaviour in raw milk at refrigeration temperatures.
  • Record ID : 1992-2881
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Appl. environ. Microbiol. - vol. 57 - n. 11
  • Publication date: 1991


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