Energy diagnostic system.

[In Dutch. / En néerlandais.]

Author(s) : LIEM S. H., et al.

Type of article: Article


Describes the concept of an energy diagnostic system that monitors and evaluates the energy consumption of a building. States the system is capable of performing some simple diagnostics such as pointing out whether an increased consumption is caused by the installation or by the building itself. Describes a building model of the relationship between the outdoor climate, the indoor temperature, the physical properties of the building and its installations, and the energy consumption. States a learning period of approximately 90 days is sufficient for the system to characterize the behaviour of the building.


  • Original title: [In Dutch. / En néerlandais.]
  • Record ID : 1994-1215
  • Languages: Dutch
  • Subject: Environment
  • Source: Klimaatbeheersing - vol. 22 - n. 5
  • Publication date: 1993/05


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