Energy efficient HVAC system by reducing air change rate for an unoccupied operating room.
Number: pap. 627
Author(s) : WANG F. J., LEE M. J., LAI C. M., et al.
The HVAC systems for operating rooms are energy-intensive and sophisticated in that they operate 24 hours per day year-round and use large amounts of fresh air to deal with infectious problems and to dilute microorganisms. However, little quantitative information has been investigated about the trade-off between energy efficient HVAC system and indoor environment quality especially when the operating room is not occupied. The objective of this study is to present the field measurement approach on performance evaluation of the HVAC systems for an unoccupied operating room. Variable air volume terminal boxes were conducted to verify the compromise of energy-saving potential and indoor environment parameters including particle counts, microbial counts, pressurization, temperature and humidity. Field measurements of a full-scale operating room have been carried out at a district hospital in Taiwan. Numerical simulation has been applied to evaluate the air flow distribution and concentration contours while conducting the reducing air change rate (ACH) approach in the unoccupied operating room. The results reveal that it is feasible to achieve satisfactory indoor environment by reducing the ACH in the unoccupied operating room. Optimal ACH for the variable air volume terminal boxes could be obtained through compromising of indoor environment quality control and energy consumption as well. It will stimulate a more robust investigation of infection-controlled, energy-efficient and environment comfortable HVAC systems specifically tailored for unoccupied operating rooms.
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- Original title: Energy efficient HVAC system by reducing air change rate for an unoccupied operating room.
- Record ID : 30009420
- Languages: English
- Source: Clima 2013. 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings.
- Publication date: 2013/06/16
See other articles from the proceedings (424)
See the conference proceedings
- Themes: Air conditioning in laboratories and industry
- Keywords: Measurement; Reduction; Air change; Simulation; Operating theatre; Energy saving
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