Environmentally-friendly heat exchangers: LU-VE proposals for the reduction of energy consumption and refrigerant charge.
Number: pap. n. E210
Pressure has been building up considerably over the last few years to develop solutions which enable the reduction of energy consumption and the quantity of refrigerant in cooling circuits.
This article focuses on two solutions recently developed by LU-VE. The first applies to unit coolers in cold rooms; it consists of an innovative control system which can be installed on board the unit cooler itself and is therefore capable of operating correctly in a cold (down to -30°C), damp, environment, and in the presence of ice. This controller drives the electronic expansion valve which feeds the unit cooler itself. The system combines the efficiency of the electronic valve with the simplicity of a plug-and-play solution, from which it derives its name, PLUG&SAVE. Having a system already fitted to the unit cooler greatly simplifies installation, facilitates setting up the plant and encourages the more widespread use of electronic valves which significantly save energy; indeed, the greater precision of the valve allows the overheating of the evaporator to be contained and therefore to raise evaporating temperature, while the wide operating range of the valve makes it possible to work with floating condensing thus reducing the evaporating temperature in cold periods.
The second solution on the other hand, is for condensers; this paper presents the results of the development of a new, compact, finned-tube geometry, 20x17.32mm. The technology employs 5.0mm diameter copper tubes and advanced louvered fins for condenser applications. First, the fin geometry development process and the definition of the new grooved tube generation is illustrated; the basis of development is CFD analysis of heat exchanger performance which is able to find the optimum compromise from several geometric parameters in order to maximize the heat transfer coefficient and minimize air pressure drop. Theoretical outcomes are compared with an extensive testing campaign. This in-depth study led to the design of a product with low life cycle costs and reduced refrigerant charge as required by the current strict European legislation. The article later compares the new geometry with traditional finned tube technology heat exchanger with geometry 25x21.65 m and 9.52mm diameter copper tubes and Micro Channel tube heat exchanger with extruded aluminium tubes and corrugated fins.
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- Original title: Environmentally-friendly heat exchangers: LU-VE proposals for the reduction of energy consumption and refrigerant charge.
- Record ID : 30015505
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment
- Source: Le ultime tecnologie del freddo e del condizionamento. Atti del 16° Convegno Europeo: June 12-13, 2015, Milano, Italia.
- Publication date: 2015/06/12
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