European heat pump market and statistics report 2015.

Author(s) : NOWAK T., WESTRING P.

Type of monograph: Report


The number of heat pump units sold in the European heat pump market increased by 3.5% in 2014. A total of 796 746 units were sold in the 21 European countries covered by this year’s EHPA report. Assuming a useful life of 20 years, the heat pump stock at the end of 2014 exceeds 7.51 million units. The heat pump market continues to be governed by three major trends:
1. Air is and will remain the dominant energy source for heat pumps
2. Sanitary hot water heat pumps are the fastest growing heat pump segment across Europe. This category is the only one showing double-digit growth. Sanitary hot water units combine a heat pump and a hot water storage tank. They are either sold as stand alone units with the heat pump and the tank in one casing or as systems combining a heat pump and a separate tank.
3. Larger heat pumps for commercial, industrial and district heating applications are increasingly popular. They quite often use geothermal or hydrothermal energy. However also here, air is an energy source used by a number of installations. Air, water and ground can either carry renewable energy or waste heat from processes. In the later case, this type of heat pump improves energy efficiency, but does not use a renewable source.


  • Original title: European heat pump market and statistics report 2015.
  • Record ID : 30016690
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy
  • Publication: European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) - Belgium/Belgium
  • Publication date: 2015
