European heat pump market and statistics report 2017.

Author(s) : NOWAK T., WESTRING P.

Type of monograph: Report


European heat pump sales grew by 13% in 2016 – the second double-digit growth in a row and the fourth consecutive year of market uptake. With 999 682 units sold across Europe a new sales record has been achieved and is soon expected to pass the 1 million mark. Assuming a life expectancy of approx. 20 years this brings the European heat pump stock to almost 9.5 million units (see table 1-1). With approximately 244 million residential buildings in Europe, the heat pump market share in the building stock is about 4%.


  • Original title: European heat pump market and statistics report 2017.
  • Record ID : 30022667
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy
  • Publication: European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) - Belgium/Belgium
  • Publication date: 2017
