European heat pump market and statistics report 2016.
Author(s) : NOWAK T., WESTRING P.
Type of monograph: Report
European heat pump markets grew for the third consecutive year in 2015. Remarkable about this is not the growth in itself, but the relative increase: year-over-year 12% more heat pumps were sold in the 21 European countries covered by this year’s EHPA report. Assuming a useful life of 20 years, the heat pump stock at the end of 2015 is 8.4 million units. With approximately 120 million residential buildings in Europe, the heat pump market share in the building stock is 7%.
- Original title: European heat pump market and statistics report 2016.
- Record ID : 30019901
- Languages: English
- Subject: Figures, economy
- Publication: European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) - Belgium/Belgium
- Publication date: 2016
- External links:
- Themes: Heat pumps, energy recovery: economics and statistics
- Keywords: Energy; Statistics; Heat pump; Market; Europe
European heat pump market report 2014.
- Author(s) : NOWAK T.
- Date : 2014/10/13
- Languages : English
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European heat pump market and statistics report...
- Author(s) : NOWAK T., WESTRING P.
- Date : 2015
- Languages : English
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European heat pump market and statistics report...
- Author(s) : NOWAK T., WESTRING P.
- Date : 2017
- Languages : English
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Upp och ner på den Europeiska värmepumpmarknade...
- Author(s) : FORSÉN M.
- Date : 2012
- Languages : Swedish
- Source: KYLA+ Värmepumpar - n. 6
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Heat pumps: more success than ever.
- Author(s) : VOIGT A.
- Date : 2008/03
- Languages : English
- Source: Refrig. World - n. 2
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