IIR document

Evaluation of sensory quality during freezing and frozen storage of whole, gutted atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).


For 25 months (Jan. 1991-Feb. 1993) the authors assessed the quality of frozen, whole, gutted Atlantic salmon, mainly by sensory methods (13 attributes). The Atlantic salmon were of the highest quality and degree of freshness at the time of freezing and handled and frozen according to the best procedures. They were stored at -30 deg C more or less 2 deg C, and reference samples were kept at -20 and -47 deg C. The effects of freezing method (air-blast or nitrogen-gas) and packaging were assessed. The results can be summarised as follows: the salmon maintained commercial quality after 25 months of frozen storage at -30 deg C more or less 2 deg C; fish stored at -47 deg C are of essentially the same quality as fish stored at -30 deg C for 25 months; the salmon maintained commercial quality until about 13 months when stored at -20 deg C; lipid oxidation or development of rancidity was no major problem, as measured either by sensory or chemical methods; all samples measured for rancidity over 25 months were far below Norwegian government health limits for human consumption of oils; quality during 25 months of storage was independent of the freezing method (air-tunnel or N2-freezing); both methods are very rapid; the glaze and appearance of the salmon were well maintained during storage; visual observation of colour of the fillets when prepared for sensory analyses found that the -20 deg C salmon were, on average, more yellow and lighter.

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  • Original title: Evaluation of sensory quality during freezing and frozen storage of whole, gutted atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
  • Record ID : 1997-1677
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Refrigeration and Aquaculture.
  • Publication date: 1996/03/20
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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