IIR document

Factors affecting the quality of farmed salmon (Salmo salar).

Author(s) : WHITTLE K. J.


The quality attributes of salmon are the result of interactions among a multiplicity of properties, the relative importance of which depend on the perspective taken by the producer, by the processor, by the distributor, by the retailer, or by the consumer in the market in which the products are sold. Aspects of the major properties such as appearance, eating quality, suitability for processing, and shelf-life of fresh, farmed salmon, and the consistency of these properties, can be affected to varying extents by the production and feeding regime, by the method of slaughter, by the efficiency of primary processing, by the efficiency of chilling, by the degree of temperature control during distribution, retail display, and consumer storage and, finally, by preparation of the meal for eating. The important factors controlling quality are reviewed in the paper.

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  • Original title: Factors affecting the quality of farmed salmon (Salmo salar).
  • Record ID : 1997-0956
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Refrigeration and Aquaculture.
  • Publication date: 1996/03/20
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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