IIR document

Refrigeration and Aquaculture.

Date: 1996.03.20 / 1996.03.22

Location: Bordeaux, France


With numerous plenary papers, the proceedings of this conference are an excellent synthesis of what is currently known in the area of refrigeration and aquaculture. Main topics: - Cryopreservation of gametes and embryos - freezing of feed used in aquaculture (macroalgae and microalgae) - refrigeration and post mortem changes - establishment and resolution of rigor mortis - transport of live aquatic animals - influence of cooling and packaging processes on product quality - evaluating microbiological, organoleptic and commercial quality in aquaculture produce - managing biodiversity and cryobanks in aquaculture. Papers: 58 (44 in English & 14 in French)

Available documents

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Format Hard copy

Pages: 533


  • Public price

    40 €

  • Member price*

    30 €

* Best rate depending on membership category (see the detailed benefits of individual and corporate memberships).