IIR document
Experimental analysis of peripheral finned-tube evaporators.
Number: pap. ID: 488
Author(s) : PUSSOLI B. F., BARBOSA J. R. Jr, SILVA L. W. da, et al.
The peripheral finned-tube is a new geometry for enhanced air-side heat transfer. The air-side pressure drop and the heat transfer characteristics of five heat exchanger prototypes with different geometric characteristics, namely, the radial length of fins, fin distribution and heat exchanger length were evaluated in an open-loop wind-tunnel calorimeter. A one-dimensional theoretical model based on the theory of porous media was developed to predict the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the heat exchanger. The model incorporates the actual fin geometry into the calculation of the air-side porosity. The air-side permeability is calculated according to the Kozeny-Carman model with the particle diameter definition due to Whitaker. The model predicted the experimental data with an acceptable level of agreement, showing RMS errors of approximately 3% for the air-side pressure drop and 1% for the heat transfer rate, depending on the correlations used for the friction coefficient and interstitial Nusselt number.
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- Original title: Experimental analysis of peripheral finned-tube evaporators.
- Record ID : 30003209
- Languages: English
- Source: Proceedings of the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-26, 2011. Overarching theme: Refrigeration for Sustainable Development.
- Publication date: 2011/08/21
See other articles from the proceedings (569)
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- Formats : PDF
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