IIR document
Experimental investigation of surfactant-enhanced ammonia-water absorption in a shell-and-tube absorber.
Type of article: IJR article
The use of surfactants for passive enhancement of ammonia-water absorption is experimentally investigated. A vertically-oriented, baffled shell-and-tube absorber with a tightly packed tube bundle for a 10.5 kW absorption chiller is considered. An experimental facility is fabricated to closely simulate the operating conditions in an absorption chiller. Experiments are performed at different solution flow rates, coupling fluid temperatures, and surfactant concentrations. The results demonstrate significant improvements in absorber performance due to the addition of 1-octanol as the surfactant. Mass transfer enhancement by interfacial turbulence and higher heat transfer coefficients due to increased wettability are identified as the mechanisms responsible for the enhancement. The impact of surfactants on the system level parameters including the low-side pressure is investigated. It is also shown that there is no significant impact on desorber performance by the addition of surfactants. The results indicate that surfactants are beneficial and can result in a smaller absorber and allow for system operation at higher ambient temperatures. The results from this study can help guide the development of surfactant-enhanced compact, efficient absorption heat pumps.
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Pages: 43-51
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- Original title: Experimental investigation of surfactant-enhanced ammonia-water absorption in a shell-and-tube absorber.
- Record ID : 30028692
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 129
- Publication date: 2021/09
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2021.04.034
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles in this issue (32)
See the source
Absorption and adsorption systems;
Chillers - Keywords: Absorber; Ammonia-water; Absorption system; Expérimentation; Shell; Tube; Thermodynamic property; Chiller; Surfactant
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- Formats : PDF
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