Roots steam compressor has unique advantages in the mechanical vapor compression (MVC) evaporation system due to its lower cost and convenient operation compared with the centrifugal or screw steam compressor. A novel MVC evaporation system driven by Roots steam compressor was proposed and experimentally studied with using the water medium, which can save energy by 79.55–89.36% and operation cost by 61.70–81.41% compared with the traditional single effect (SE) evaporation system. Exergy analysis showed that Roots steam compressor had the greatest exergy destruction (142.92–296.84 kJ kg−1) and the lowest exergy efficiency (4.46–9.85%). Models of the heat transfer coefficient (HTC), coefficient of performance (COP), specific water evaporation (SWE) and specific energy consumption (SEC) were developed based on the experiments to predict the thermo-economic performance and obtain the optimal process parameters, such as the evaporating temperature (90–105 °C), the evaporating pressure (70–130 kPa), heat transfer temperature difference (9–12 °C) and compression pressure difference (28–40 kPa). It will be optimized and improved by mastering the thermo-economic performance of MVC evaporation system driven by Roots steam compressor.
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- Original title: Experimental research and model optimization of a novel mechanical vapor compression evaporation system driven by Roots steam compressor.
- Record ID : 30031720
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 150
- Publication date: 2023/06
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2023.01.014
See other articles in this issue (31)
See the source
Evaporators, condensers and other heat exchangers;
Other refrigerating systems (desiccant cooling, thermoelectrics, thermoacoustics…);
Energy efficiency, energy savings - Keywords: Evaporative system; Mechanical vapour compression; Compressor; Modelling; Expérimentation; Cost; Energy saving; Energy efficiency; Energy consumption
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