File on fluids and lubricants.
Fluides et lubrifiants : dossier.
Type of article: Article, Case study
The articles in this file are: R-152a, a potential alternative in automobile air conditioning; optimizing microchannel evaporators with R-744 (CO2); the use of CO2 in the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry; the effect of oil on the saturated temperature of propane (HC-290); overview of the foaming agents for insulating foams in Europe.
- Original title: Fluides et lubrifiants : dossier.
- Record ID : 2004-2782
- Languages: French
- Source: Rev. gén. Froid - vol. 94 - n. 1043
- Publication date: 2004/05
See the source
- Themes: Compressors
- Keywords: Refrigerating system; Gas; Lubrication; R152a; Propane; Foam; Oil; Case study; Refrigerant; CO2
Untersuchungen zur Schaumbildung und Schaumstab...
- Author(s) : MÜLLER M., JAEGER P. T., EGGERS R.
- Date : 2007/11/21
- Languages : German
- Source: DKV-Tagungsbericht 2007, Hannover.
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Experiments to investigate oil circulation.
- Author(s) : HESSE U., HARTMANN T.
- Date : 2009/02/11
- Languages : English
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Investeren in de toekomst: het gebruik van natu...
- Author(s) : WITT M.
- Date : 2007/08
- Languages : Dutch
- Source: Koude & Luchtbehandeling - vol. 100 - n. 7-8
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Performance of a semihermetic reciprocating com...
- Author(s) : DA RIVA E., DEL COL D.
- Date : 2011/05
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 34 - n. 3
- Formats : PDF
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Refrigeration oils for future mobile A/C systems.
- Author(s) : PUHL C.
- Date : 2009/02/11
- Languages : English
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