Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2013: aggregated data reported by companies on the production, import and export of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the European Union.
Author(s) : EEA (European Environment Agency), JÖRß W., ANDERSON G., GREINER B.
Type of monograph: Report
The latest figures from the European Environment Agency report reveal that the net supply of F-gases in Europe, the majority of which are used in refrigeration and air conditioning, declined again in 2013. Net supply in 2013 dropped by 2.4% in terms of metric tonnes and 1.4% in CO2 equivalents, which is close to the decrease rates observed for 2012 compared to 2011. Production of F-gases has also declined for the third consecutive year since 2010. Although in terms of CO2 equivalents, the 8% decrease in 2013 followed four years of growth, this was mainly due to the production of SF6 which is used in electrical equipment. HFC production has been declining steadily since 2010. F-gas production in 2013, in terms of metric tonnes, is dominated by HFCs. However, expressed in CO2 equivalents, SF6 accounts for a considerable share. Imports of F-gases rose by 12 % in terms of CO2 equivalents in 2013 compared to 2012. This is the first rise since 2010 where a sharp increase had been observed after the 2009 ‘economic crisis’ year. Overall 2013 imports are at approximately the same level as in 2011. F-gas imports in 2013 are almost entirely HFC imports (92 % in CO2 equivalents). Exports of F-gases have been on the rise since 2009; when expressed in metric tonnes, however, they are still below 2007 levels. The year-on-year increase from 2012 to 2013 was 2%. Expressed in CO2 equivalents, however, 2013 exports dropped by 3%. This is because SF6 exports dropped by 7% compared to 2012, while HFC exports increased 3.1 % (metric tonnes) or 1.4 % (CO2 equivalents).
- Original title: Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2013: aggregated data reported by companies on the production, import and export of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the European Union.
- Record ID : 30012722
- Languages: English
- Subject: Figures, economy, Environment, HFCs alternatives
- Publication: Eea (european environment agency) - Denmark/Denmark
- Publication date: 2014/10/22
- Collection:
- ISSN: 17252237
- ISBN: 9789292134808
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2800/20238
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- Source: 3rd IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: London, UK, June 23-25, 2014
- Formats : PDF
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