Heat recovery in buildings using water-loop heat pump systems. 1. Energy requirements and savings. 2. Sensitivity analysis.
Author(s) : HOWELL R. H., ZAIDI J. H.
A commercially available energy-analysis computer program has been used to simulate and analyze combinations of building shape, core size, and geographical location that result in the evaluation of the heat recovery and energy-savings potential of the water-loop heat pump (WLHP) system. A building model was developed that used typical internal electrical building loads, operating schedules, building construction materials, glass windows, and ventilation loads.
- Original title: Heat recovery in buildings using water-loop heat pump systems. 1. Energy requirements and savings. 2. Sensitivity analysis.
- Record ID : 1993-1085
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment
- Publication date: 1991
- Source: Source: ASHRAE Trans.
vol. 97; n. 2; 736-749; 17 fig.; 5 tabl.; 7 ref.; discuss.; 750-757; 14 tabl.; 1 ref. - Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Field test results applied to optimizing water-...
- Author(s) : KUSH E. A., BRUNNER C. A.
- Date : 1991
- Languages : English
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Les centrales jouent la décentralisation.
- Author(s) : TRANCART M.
- Date : 1993/06
- Languages : French
- Source: La revue pratique du froid et du conditionnement d'air - n. 776
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Optimizing water-loop heat pump design and perf...
- Author(s) : KUSH E. A., BRUNNER C. A.
- Date : 1992/02
- Languages : English
- Source: ASHRAE Journal - vol. 34 - n. 2
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Les pompes à chaleur sur boucle d'eau.
- Author(s) : LESNIEWSKI O.
- Date : 1995/02
- Languages : French
- Source: Promoclim - n. 1
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Reducing dependence of a building on fossil fuel.
- Author(s) : ROWE D.
- Date : 1993/07
- Languages : English
- Source: AIRAH J. - vol. 47 - n. 7
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