Heat transfer during flow boiling. 2.

Przenoszenie ciepla przy wrzeniu w przeplywie. 2.


Type of article: Article


The paper deals with physical phenomena and problems of boiling of refrigerants during flow in tubes. The basic parameters describing boiling as well as the stages of the boiling process have been presented. The most important approaches of calculation of heat transfer coefficient for boiling have been presented. A close attention has been paid to some difficulties in attempts to develop the general approach for boiling heat transfer. The first part of the paper dealt with flow boiling in tubes; the subcooled and developed boiling processes have been distinguished. The second part of the paper deals with boiling of refrigerants with oil contamination on the enhanced surfaces, boiling of pure refrigerants and with oil contamination in smooth and enhanced tubes as well as mechanisms of boiling heat transfer of refrigerants with oil contamination. Both parts of the paper contain rich references.

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Pages: 484-491


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  • Original title: Przenoszenie ciepla przy wrzeniu w przeplywie. 2.
  • Record ID : 2008-1229
  • Languages: Polish
  • Source: Technika Chlodnicza i Klimatyzacyjna - vol. 14 - n. 12
  • Publication date: 2007


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