Improvement possibilities of vapour compression refrigerating cycles by utilization of expansion engines.
Mogucnosti poboljsanja rashladnih ciklusa parne kompresorske masine primenom ekspanzionih masina.
Author(s) : MARKOSKI M.
Type of article: Article
This article presents three possible ways of utilizing the expansion work in the vapour compression cycle. The first one is power recovery to the compressor. Replacing the throttling valve with an expansion engine, the conventional vapour-compression cycle (with isobaric-isothermal heat absorption) is modified. This is the best solution in the case of isothermal heat source (isothermal cooling object). The second one is power recovery to the compressor in a non-conventional vapour compression cycle with isobaric-non-isothermal heat absorption. This cycle is the best solution if the cooling object enters the cooler at the ambient temperature. The third one is the utilization of expansion work for liquid recirculation through the flooded evaporator. Depending on the efficiencies of the expansion engine-pump compound the maximum circulation ratios are determined. Based on the above-mentioned analysis, guidelines for the use of expansion work can easily be derived.
- Original title: Mogucnosti poboljsanja rashladnih ciklusa parne kompresorske masine primenom ekspanzionih masina.
- Record ID : 2005-1772
- Languages: Serbian
- Source: KGH (Klimatizacija Grejanje Hladenje) - vol. 33 - n. 1
- Publication date: 2004/02
See other articles in this issue (2)
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- Formats : PDF
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